Monday, August 4, 2008

Cute, Creepy(?), and Crazy Sweet

Creepy cute is the new black, okay, maybe not, but they are at the same time adorable and memorable. I found this artist, known as Ashley, who's truly gifted at it. Her illustrations are intricate and delicate, but her creatures have an eerie presence you won't forget.

Coasters you'll be afraid to use.

Check out her store or her blog. Ashley is 26 years old and "focuses on portraiture and capturing brief moments in time." She describes her artwork as simple, sophisticated, humorous, empathetic, and a little bit pathetic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Marie, Your blog rocks! I love This Ashley girl. The Squid couple is my favorite! I also love the squirrel playing with his nuts. The simplicity and whimsy of Dee and Lala Letterpress is sweet.
Love your Standard Thompson poster!Want to exchange a print for a print?

Keep pursuing your product design and pattern making cause you my friend are wicked talented.