"There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly" book is one of the most interactive print pieces I've run across. Not only are the illustrations beautiful and the story entertaining, but everything about the book is interactive, from the cover that is removed like a coat, to the pages that tell the story from inside the stomach, to the woman's eyes who close as upi get to the end of the story. Illustrations done by Jeremy Holmes, art direction by Kristine Brogno.
My Marie Bee was created as a resource tool for creatives who are interested in all aspects of design. The blog focuses on graphic design (print + web), typography, pattern design, product design, color use, illustration, photography, trends, fashion, and anything noteworthy. If you have inspiration you would like to share with everyone, feel free to leave a comment or send an email.
My Marie Bee welcomes submissions from artists, designers, manufacturers or anyone who wants to share ideas, projects, and inspirational work... If you would like to become a sponsor, simply contact marieb50456@gmail.com.
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