Design by ben tricklebank, is a real time immersive interactive website for the JFK Library and Museum to commemorate the 40-year anniversary of Apollo 11, JFK's pioneering vision to land the first man on the moon.
Beautiful identity by Josef Heigl for Josef Heigl. Simple, modern, edgy, his work relies on form instead of color, giving it an eccentric quality that leads me to believe he might be a perfectionist.
I simply love Tatiana Plakhova's Complexity Graphics 2010. Whimsical and eerie, the delicate shapes combine to create galactic structures, further emphasized with high contrast and glow effects.
Robin Snasen RengÄrd's work for Oslo Fashion Week is organic and textural, with a voided flowing quality that reminds me of the Big Love opening credits. Keep your eyes peeled for this growing trend.
My Marie Bee was created as a resource tool for creatives who are interested in all aspects of design. The blog focuses on graphic design (print + web), typography, pattern design, product design, color use, illustration, photography, trends, fashion, and anything noteworthy. If you have inspiration you would like to share with everyone, feel free to leave a comment or send an email.
My Marie Bee welcomes submissions from artists, designers, manufacturers or anyone who wants to share ideas, projects, and inspirational work... If you would like to become a sponsor, simply contact